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New Delhi : Union Minister of Finance, Defence and Corporate Affairs Arun Jaitley on July 28, 2017, said that the bureaucrats are free to render their advice/opinion during the process of decision making.

Jaitley, however,  said that the Right to Information (RTI) Act can to some extent create hindrance in this regard and the civil servants may not feel free to do so apprehending that the later the same may become public. That’s why, the Finance Minister said, even B G Verghese had stated that the opinion/advice given by public servants in the course of decision making should not be made public.

Jaitley was speaking after releasing a book “I@S – TALE TOLD BY AN IASs” written by  Omesh Saigal, a retired Officer of the Indian Administrative Service (1964 Batch), at a function here in North Block in the national capital, according to a PIB release.

Earlier speaking on the occasion, Tejinder Khanna, former civil servant and Lt. Governor of Delhi, said that the bureaucrats should be allowed to give their opinion in a free and fair manner so that the good suggestions are not left –out in the process of decision making. Omesh Saigal, the author of the book, said that in his book, he has shared his different experiences in the course of his service and how the service like IAS has evolved over a period of time, according to the PIB release.

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