Speed Post News Network

Bokaro ( Jharkhand): Disturbed over rising incidents of robberies,  loots, vehicle lifting and  chain snatching (more than 104  such cases reported in last 8 weeks ) despite Tiger Mobile force,  stationary cops and city and highways patrolling  vehicles being  on round the clock service, Bokaro  SP Y S Ramesh on September 11 called officers incharge (OCs) of all 33 police stations and outposts which include 26 police stations and 7 police outposts  besides of five  DSPs and a dozen inspectors asking them as to why despite the best facilities given to the cops desired results are not coming.

SP Ramesh asked the OCs  to show results otherwise he would have no option than to punish the defaulting cops. He asked the OCs to  go for patrolling in their zones and prevent robberies which according to him can be checked if regular patrolling including in odd hours and late night hours are done and better intelligence network.

The SP asked the OCs to prepare list of recently released criminals from jails  along with their past records and if new gangs have emerged in their zones by taking help of  intelligence sources which will definitely help in nabbing of  criminals. The  SP  even  stressed on better public- police relationship and  swift police action which definitely helps  in  busting of crime and  arrest of criminals. But, this can only be done only with an active and alert policing and cooperation of people, the SPsaid asking  OCs to change their  attitude while meeting those who come to police stations to lodge their complaints.

“Several complaints are coming against several OCs who  talk to complainants  in rough manner which must be changed as without public cooperation  checking crime is a tough job,” said the SP. When asked about the meeting, the SP said that it was called to give  direction  to all OCs for better law and order in Bokaro which can come  with round the clock active patrolling besides regular vehicle checking drive and stopping drunken driving.

When contacted  an OC, who did not wish to be quoted, said hat the SP was furious   over deteriorating law and order  and made it very clear to junior cops that if they fail to show the desired results they be ready to get transferred and even face suspension.

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