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Patna : Bihar Industries Association (BIA) President Ram Lall Khetan on March 24, 2017, urged the state government to withdraw the power tariff increase announced by Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission (BERC) the same day for 2017-18 in the interest of industries and general public of the state.

Khetan said that the BERC on March 24 announced the tariff rates for the year 2017-18 which will be applicable from  April 1, 2017, announcing an unprecedented and unexpected increase in the power tariff  with an average increase of about 55% in different categories even as purchase price of coal and electricity had declined in comparison to last year purchase rate. In some categories the tariff rate has been increased up to 3 times in one go, he said.

The tariff for domestic consumers has been increased from Rs 5.25 to Rs 8.00 per unit. The tariff for small industrial units has been increased by 20% whereas these small units are facing stiff competition at national and international level.” The BIA is of the opinion that all consumers will receive a tariff shock due to this heavy increase of tariff rate and all the left over industrial activities of the state will be ruined which in turn may have dangerous social implications. So, BIA demands that government should immediately interfere in the matter to withdraw this tariff increase in the interest of industries and general public of the state,” said Khetan.

If the power distribution companies followed the directives given by the government and BERC in previous year and T&D losses  brought down to 18% then there would not have been any need for this tariff increase, the BIA president said.




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