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New Delhi : Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Dr Harsh Vardhan on October 20, 2017, said that the air quality in Delhi has been better compared to last year. Speaking to a media here, the Minister said that the number of ‘Good’, ‘Satisfactory’ and ‘Moderate’ days has increased and ‘Poor’ and ‘Very Poor’ category has reduced significantly compared to 2016. Emphasising the need to build a social movement to combat pollution, Dr. Harsh Vardhan has appealed to the citizens to individually and collectively undertake one good, green deed every day.

The Minister also said that he has held meetings with officers from the states of National Capital Region (NCR) on stubble burning. He added that efforts are being made to provide farmers with an alternative to burning so that farmers can create wealth from waste. Dr Harsh Vardhan also reiterated that scientists have been asked to develop zero pollution crackers to tackle pollution, according to a PIB release.

The year 2017 has seen positive changes with respect to air pollution in Delhi due to a number of steps taken by Union Government, State Governments and Government of Delhi. The Centre has been closely involved in management of air pollution in Delhi and NCR besides other cities in the country.


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