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Madhubani:  The high-level meeting of VCs and pro-VCs of  state chaired by the Chancellor and attended among others by the HRD minister Ashok Chaudhary recently at Patna discussed various measures to improve the affairs in universities and colleges. But, intriguingly, the core issue of acute shortage of teachers apparently found no mention in the deliberations.
Of the many problems responsible for sharp decline in higher educationmain in the state, shortage of faculty is the prime one. It is common knowledge that no appointment of university and college teachers has been made during last thirteen years since 2003.  No wonder, then, that department after departments in universities and colleges of the state are either sans any teacher or manned by a single teacher. Why, then, would students come to colleges?
Students’ rush at colleges can be seen on limited occasions. At the time of taking admission, college premises come alive. Then they come when they fill up the form, followed by when they come to collect their admit cards and finally during examinations. During rest of the year, colleges wear a deserted look. And this situation is continuing for
last several years.
Here is an example of the sorry state of affairs in the field of university education in the state. R K College, Madhubani, a prestigious institution, has 110 sanctioned post of teachers whereas the present strength of working teachers is only 34. Many departments are without any teacher. And the student strength is nearly 10,000. Similar is the case in another constituent unit of LNMU at Madhubani. With a student-strength of about 5,000, there are only six working
teachers in J N, College, Madhubani,  against a sanctioned strength of 42.
Interestingly, a constituent unit of LNMU at Donwarihat in Madhubani district is being run by only two teachers, one of whom is the Prof-in-charge.


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