B N Singh Papan

Supaul : A state vigilance investigation bureau team on January 11 arrested Block development officer (BDO), Triveniganj, in Supaul, Shailesh Kumar Keshri, red handed accepting a bribe of Rs 25,000 from a Baidyanath Rai, a Gram Sevak in Kishunpur block in Supaul district, to clear his salary arrear for the period when he was posted at Bhabhangama Maheshua Mirzava under Triveiganj block. Rai had approached BDO Keshri in this connection and the latter had asked for Rs 25,000 to do him a favour. Rai had lodged complaint with the vigilance bureau, which laid a trap and arrested Keshri while accepting bribe. Keshri was taken to Patna by the vigilance team. Supaul DM Baidyanath Yadav confirmed the arrest of Keshri.



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