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New Delhi : At a simple but historic ceremony, Chief Justice of the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir Justice Gita Mittal administered oath of office to R K Mathur as the first Lt. Governor of the Union Territory of Ladakh on October 31, 2019.

After swearing in, Mathur said border areas have a lot of development activities to be implemented. Already the Government of India is implementing several programmes in the region, priorities for Ladakh will be set in the new regime in consultation with the public and Hill Councils, he said. He added that his experience in the backward and border areas in the capacity of Tripura Chief Secretary and as Defence Secretary will be useful, according to a PIB release.

After swearing in Mathur was given a Guard of Honour at the venue by the Ladakh Police. The swearing in ceremony took place in the presence of officials of Leh and Kargil Hill Councils, Army and Para Military forces, religious leaders and Ladakh public.

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