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Bokaro ( Jharkhand) : A three-day Literary Fest ‘Bodhi – The Enlightenment’ was organised on the campus of DPS Bokaro in Jharkhand recently to hone the public speaking skills of the children and to teach them to articulate while expressing their thoughts and opinion. Senior journalist Shashank Shekhar was the Chief Guest at the inaugural function.

In  the Inter- House English  Debate Competition ,the participants spoke eloquently on the topic “One Nation : One Election is the Best Option For Indian Democracy“. The first position was shared by Tejaswini and  Prerna of X, Anurag Sinha of XI bagged the second position while Harshit Maina of XI secured the third position.

In the Hindi Debate Competition, the children expressed their opinions on  Social Media and its Impact on the Indian Culture.  Kavya Jha of X  secured the first position while  Tanushree of  IX  bagged the second position. The third position was shared by Ayush Amlan of X , Depreeti and Prerna of XII.

In the  Spelling Competition conducted on day three, Chenab House bagged the first position, second position was bagged by Raavi House while the third position was bagged by Jamuna House.

A group recitation competition was organized at  Primary Wing, where the children presented beautiful renditions  on  the theme Peace. The first position was shared by Ganga and Jhelum, second position by Sutlej House while Jamuna House bagged the third position.

Speaking on the occasion, Principal, DPS Bokaro, A S  Gangwar, said,” With the changing trend in global educational scenario, students need to keep pace with contemporary trends in vocabulary, diction and expression and  such competitions are a platform where they  display their talents. Our students have done the job so well.”

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