Speed Post News Network
Bettiah : Niraj Kumar Ram, 45,an employee of a private firm, was shot at on Sunday night at Azad crossroad under Sirisiya police station in West Champaran district by unidentified motorcycle borne criminals, who looted his cellphone too. Ram has received gun shot injuries in his temple and was referred to Patna medical college and hospital (PMCH) for treatment.
Kiran Shekhar, SHO, Sirisiya police station said that Ram was returning from Bettiah to his home at Sirisiya on his cycle. As soon as he reached the Azad crossroad, two criminals riding a bike overtook him and attacked him with sharpedged weapon and then shot at him. Interestingly, the criminals looted his cellphone but did not loot the cash from him. Ram is husband of an ex- mukhiya of Sirisiya. Police are investigating the case .

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