Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : Two Masons of village Pakadia Badgaon under Gajrajganj Police Outpost in Bhojpur district, who had outside the their village to work on different construction sites, have disappeared under mysterious circumstances during last two monhs triggering fear among the villagers. Police have failed to locate them so far.

Villagers said that a Mason Ram Ji Mahato of the village had gone on work two months ago but had not returned. Police have remained indifferent even as an FIR has been lodged in this connection. Another Mason Tulsi Mahto of the village also disappeared in the same manner a week ago, they said alleging police had not done anything in this case either. Dhanvanti Devi, wife of Tulsi Mahto, said that her husband had gone to livelihood on a construction a week ago but had not returned. She said that she had complained to police and they remain inactive.

Villagers Raju Bhagat and Sushil Kumar said that two Masons have so far disappeared from the village. They stated that villagers were frightened and now no one dares go out of the village alone. The parents do not allow their children to go to their schools alone, they claimed. They said that if the police fail to locate them at the earliest, they villagers would be compelled to launch an aggressive agitation against police administration.

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