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New Delhi: Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Radha Mohan Singh has said that NSSO should release data in 5 years instead of 10 years. He added that this will help government to formulate plans for the farmers especially the small and marginal farmers.  Singh said this on the occasion of the 10th Statistics Day on Wednesday.
Singh said that it is imperative to remove regional disparity so as to achieve economic and social development and regional disparity can’t be removed until the related statistics are provided.
Singh said that according to available updated land utilization statistics 2012-13, more than half of the cropped area had remained un-irrigated in the country even after 60 years of planned development. To face the situation created by delayed / deficit rainfall, preparation of suitable emergent schemes and their affective implementation, crop component, irrigation facilities, situation of rainfall, agriculture related climatic condition, etc. – the timely availability of all these statistics are critical.
Singh said that the  Union Agriculture Ministry is implementing a scheme named as Fasal for the utilization of sophisticated technology available to assess the agricultural products. The Department of Space, Indian Metrological Department and Economic Development Institute are sharing the process of implementation of this scheme. A Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre (MNCFC) has been established in the Department which is providing the estimate related to remote sensing technology based production of chosen crops. He observed that forecast estimates provided by MNCFC are very much useful. The Ministry has also initiated a pilot project named as Chaman and 11 prominent states have been included in this project to develop remote sensing based programme for the assessment of area and production related to horticulture crop.


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