Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : With the State Education department directing the university to cancel the affiliation of Veer Kuer Singh College (VKSC) , Ara, in the wake of mass cheating at the degree Part II exam at the college centre on September 1, 2017, a blame game has begun betwwen Veer Kuer Singh University (VKSU), Ara, and  VKSC. The VKSU administration has debarred the VKSC from holding any examination for three years and the Principal Secretary, Education Department, has directed VC, VKSU, to cancel affiliation of the college immediately and tag the students to other colleges.

Principal, VKSC, Paramhansh Tiwari, said that fair examination was going on at the centre but some examinees forcibly took the answer- sheets outside the examination halls under a well planned conspiracy, took pictures with their mobile phones and soon it went viral maligning the image of the college. He said that the college has capacity to accomodate only 2,000 students while the VKSU made the college centre for 4,400 students adding that he informed the VKSU administration and the examination department of the university about it in writing and also on mobile from time to time but to no avail.

Tiwari said that the VKSC always conduct fair examination without any security from any quarter and the VKSU administration, after the pictures of mass cheating went viral, changed the Centre Superintendent in a haste without any inquiry but the university failed in its mission to conduct fair examination. Later, the VKSU administration shifted the students of this centre to two another examination centres and admitted that the VKSC Examination Centre had excess students but yet efforts are on to make the VKSC a scapegoat.

Examination Controller, VKSU, Sanjay Kumar Tripathi held the VKSC and former examination Controller, Prasunjay Kumar Sinha, responsible for this episode. He said that the former examination controller should have collected information about the capacity of the college from the Principal before making it an  examination centre. Former Examination Controller, Prasunjay Kumar Sinha, said that the Principal of the VKSC was telling lie as he had already given his consent on mobile. He said that after the pictures of mass copying went viral, the Principal was giving such excuse to save his skin.

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