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Munger: Social activist Kapildeo Mandal(43), who was arrested on May 28 for slapping a magistrate ( executive officer, Nagar Parishad, Jamalpur)  the same day in full public view but was released the next day on bail by police on submission of a bond, on Sunday said that he would sue the magistrate for treating him shabbily when he was on an indefinite hunger strike.

Mandal had resorted to fast unto death near the jubilee well at Jamalpur from May 21 on he ground that  Nagar Parishad, Jamalpur, was not providing filtered water to the tax payers besides not providing public laterine for the people below poverty line.

On May 28, Dinesh Dayal Lal, executive officer, Nagar Parishad, Jamalpur, had rushed to the site of hunger strike when Mandal’s condition started deteriorating. The magistrate tried to persuade Mandal to break his fast assuring him that all his demands had been fulfilled but Mandal was not satisfied with the assurance of the magistrate. This was followed by a heated exchange between the two and Mandal, in a rage, slapped the executive officer in the presence of  several persons including a few ward councillors. Police arrested Mandal and rushed him to the nearby PHC for treatment and registered an FIR against him for his violent action. Meanwhile, police said that chargesheet against Mandal will be submitted before the court shortly.


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