

Satish  Sharma
Raxaul ;  Around  2,000 men, women, children and students of 30 private  educational institutions including girls made one kilometre human  chain  from Raxaul town to  no man’s land  Indo- Nepal  border in East Champaran district to observe  World  Environment Day  on Sunday under the aegis of  “Sarisawa river  bachao andolan “  organization. All the persons  participating in human chain  were carrying placards to save  river Sarisawa from pollution.
Prof  Anil Kumar Sinha,  president of  `Sarisawa river bachao andolan’,  said  the  participants  were  mostly   boys and girls  who have taken pledge to spread awareness  among the  general people  to save environment. Their demands include  cleanliness  of river sarisawa, removal of  clinkers  from  town area, stopping  dumping of  garbage  on  the bank of  sarisawa river   from Nepal side and  also stopping sale of  edible  and meat on roadsides.  A memorandum  was submitted in this regard  to the  SDM, Raxaul,  by the  organization.
Clinker, a raw material  for making cement, has been dumped  at dozen of  places  at Raxaul to send it Nepal  by the Railways.

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