Satish Aditya
Muzaffarpur  : Six unidentified criminals riding two bikes looted Rs 16 lakh cash from Donama Branh of Bandhan Bank under Sakara polic station (PS) in Muzaffarpur District in North Bihar in broad daylight on January 8, 2021, after making the Bank Manager and all the employees captive at gun point.

The criminals also fired on and injured a nearby shopkeeper who  tried to chase them in full public view . They also fired several rounds  to terrorise the bankers, customers, as well as the locals and sped away towards  Bariarpur, according to police . The rising crime graph in Muzaffarpur District has made the people apprehensive.

According to the locals,  6 criminals riding two motorcycles reached Donama around 1 pm on January 8, 2021, entered the Bandhan Bank branch, and made captive the Manager and  all the employees at gun point and looted  Rs 16 lakh cash. They also  fired on one  Rajesh Sah, a shopkeeper  near bank building,who tried to chase them. Rajesh Sah is injured but  out of danger.

SHO, Sakara police station, did not respond to the phone call call when this reporter tried to take his version of the crime. Muzaffarpur SSP Jayant Kant  and other police official reached the  spot  and made an on the spot inquiry into the bank dacoity. DSP Manoj Pandey said that police were investigating into the incident.