Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : The Malaysian police arrested six youth from India, who had gone there on tourist visa to work, as their visa had expired. The family members of the youth have urged Ara MP and Union Minister as well as Bihar Government to ensure their safe return.

Anil Singh of Vishen Tola, Jagdishpur, Munna Thakur, Raj Kumar and Collector Singh of Jagdishpur block in Bhojpur district, Sunil Kumar and Dayashankar Mahto of village Kuruthia in Buxar district fell into the trap of an agent who promised to arrange jobs for them in Malaysia. The agents realised huge amount from the 6 youth and sent them to Malaysia on tourist visa for 15 days.

The youth left India on June 9, 2018, from Cehnnai for Malaysia and were in contact with their family members till July 7, 2018, on the numbers made available by the agent but after July 7, the numbers were switched off that caused tension to the family members.

All the six youth remained stranded in Malaysia and the Malaysian police arrested them as their tourist visa had expired. The youth contacted the Indian Embassy in Malaysia and then the family members were informed through email. The family members gave a petition to Ara MP and Union Minister R K Singh and requested him to take steps for their safe return to India. When the family members contacted the Indian Embassy in Malaysia, they were informed that since the youth were staying there even after expiry of their tourist visa illegally, the Malaysian police arrested them as per the law of the country.

Union Minister R K Singh took the matter seriously and said that that he would write to the central government to ensure their safe return to India at the earliest. He also said that the agent, who sent them there, will also be booked for forgery. Bhojpur SP Awakash Kumar could not be contacted for his comment on the issue.

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