Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : Ara jail Superintendent Niranjan Pandit has identified the inmates of Ara Jail allegedly involved in making avideo showing some prisoners smoking Ganja and talking on cellphones that went viral on the social networking sites on March 9, 2018. They are:  Mithlesh Singh, an accused in the bomb explosion at Ara civil court, and Deepak Singh. The Jail Superintendent on March 19, 2019, shifted both of them to Beur Central Jail, Patna, after seeking permission from the higher authorities.

Jail Superintendent Pandit said that a video showing a group of inmates smoking Ganja and talking on cellphones went viral on the social networking sites on March 9, 2018, that drew the attention of Bhojpur district administration and the SDO and SDPO conducted raid at  the jail the same day. This infuriated the jail inmates and they resorted to agitation and tried to break the main entrance of the jail on March 10, 2018. Pandit said that the jail administration has identified the prisoners who made the video.

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