Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : The members of National Students Union of India (NSUI) on December 23 evening pasted posters and distributed pamphlets saying that Vice-Chancellor (VC), Veer Kuer Singh University (VKSU), Ara, Leela Chand Sah has been missing for the last two days. They also appealed the people of the town to search for him.

The NSUI members have resorted to agitation since December 19 demanding cancellation of the result of the  Pre-Ph. D  examination, resignations of the Principal, H D Jain College, Ara, and Examination Controller, VKSU, and  also fulfillment of their other demands. They made the VC captive in his chamber on December 19 for about six hours and  police had to free the VC and take him to his residence under tight security. After that the police resorted to lathi charge on the students the same evening and in which over a dozen students were injured.

After this, the students have intensified their agitation. They paralysed teaching and other works in different colleges and also on university campus and staged dharna for the fifth consecutive day on December 23 and the same evening  they pasted posters on the walls of the university and also distributed pamphlets against the VC .  But neither the VC nor any officials of the university bother to talk to the student leaders. The VC has not seen at the university since December 22 evening.

VC Leela Chand Sah said on mobile that he had gone to the governor office to attend a meeting there on December 23. The governor office had constituted a three – member committee comprising the VCs of three universities of the state to bring uniformity in the printing works of the colleges of which he is also one of the members. This committee had to  submit its report by January 16, 2017. The VC said that he never refused to talk to the students on matters related to students welfare. He said that there had been no  irregularity in the publication of the result of the Pre-Ph.D examination. The anomalies due to technical fault were cancelled.

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