Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara: Session of BA Part I, II, III and PG Part I and II of Veer Kuer Singh University (VKSU) have been regularized and the academic calendar of the VKSU has come on track now. Examinations of BA Part I, II, and III for 2016 have been held and results of BA Part III have also been published and process of their admission in the PG will start soon.

Though the results of BA Part I and II are yet to be declared, classes have started. Admission process in BA Part I for the session 2016-2019 is going on in colleges under the VKSU and as soon as the admission process is complete, classes will start. Now admission of students is being taken in the PG semester I for the session 2016-2018. The examinations of PG semester I for session 2015-2017and semester II for the session 2014-2016 have not ony been conducted but  their results have also been declared.

Vice Chancellor, VKSU, Leela Chand Sah said that the session of Under Graduate classes and Post Graduate classes are now regular and 75% attendance in classes is mandatory for filling up examination forms. The college administrations have been isued directive in this regard and the VC appealed the students to attend their classes regularly.

The VC said after regularizing the academic session, the university administration is planning to streamline examination system includin stopping use of unfair means at the examinations. He said examinations of all the classes at undergraduate level will be held from March 2017 to April 2017 and the students have sufficient time to complete 180 days classes.

Sah said that the VKSU administration has planned to remove faculty crunch in colleges and the college administrations have been directed to provide the students laboratory and library facilities and also maintain registers for the same. He also said that the college administrations have been asked to organize quiz, debate and seminars at regular intervals.

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