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New Delhi : Air Chief Marshal R K S Bhadauria, Chief of the Air Staff, Indian Air Force, undertook a visit to Air Force Stations and Advanced Landing Grounds in Ladakh on 11 January 11, 2021.

During the visit, the CAS interacted with field commanders and was briefed on the op preparedness and status of deployed forces at air bases as well as in the forward areas. He also interacted with IAF and Indian Army personnel deployed at these locations.

During his visit to Thoise, he reviewed the ongoing logistic operations for support and sustenance of troops in the winter season. He also visited DBO and Nyoma ALGs where he was given a security overview in the respective sub-sectors. At Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO), the CAS laid a wreath in homage to the fallen heroes. Prior to his departure, the CAS joined the CDS for a comprehensive discussion on operational matters with senior IAF and Indian Army Commanders at Air Force Station Leh, according to a PIB release

The CAS conveyed his deep appreciation for the exceptionally high levels of morale and dedication with which all personnel continue to maintain operational preparedness despite the harsh weather and an inhospitable terrain.