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New Delhi : Energy Efficiency Services Limited ( EESL)  under Ministry of Power, Government of India, on September 6, 2017,  launched Unnat Jyoti by Affordable Lighting for All ( UJALA) scheme in the state of Melaka, Malaysia. The scheme was launched by Chief Minister of Melaka Datuk Seri Utama Ir. Hj. Idris Bin Hj. Haron. Under this scheme, each household in Melaka will get 10 high quality 9-watt LED bulbs at a cost of only RM ( Malaysian Ringgit) 10, which is a special price and is almost half of what is begin offered in the market.

Giving an overview of expectations from the UJALA scheme, Chief Minister of Melaka, Malaysia, Datuk Seri Utama Ir. Hj. Idris Bin Haron, according to a PIB release, said, “India’s zero-subsidy UJALA programme has paved the way for a brighter future and has now travelled to our country. We will do our bit to seize the learnings of this programme and replicate the same in Malaysian State of Melaka. This will not only benefit the environment, but will also foster new avenues of economic growth in the region.” UJALA’s impact in Malaysia will bring about clean energy contribute to climate change targets and save the already dwindling energy resources.

Over 25-crore LED bulbs have been distributed under the UJALA scheme in India, which are resulting in 33,828 mn kWh of energy savings per year. PM Narendra Modi had on January 5, 2015, launched the world’s largest and most extensive LED distribution programme, UJALA. Due to bulk LED bulb procurement by EESL, a healthy competition rose among the manufacturers and this brought down the prices of LED bulbs in India from a range of about Rs 300 – Rs 400 to about Rs 70 per bulb, according to the PIB release.

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