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New Delhi : TRIFED has entered into a collaborative project with Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FIIT), a unit established by IIT Delhi and M/s Rusicaa Beverages Private Ltd, Purbi Singhbhum, Jharkhand, to commercialise the production of Mahua Nutra beverage – A Heritage Drink in the State of Jharkhand.

TRIFED, FITT, and Rusicaa Beverages, entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on September 16, 2021, to work together to enhance the income of tribals of Jharkhand through the commercial production and sale of Mahua nutra beverage, a value added product made out of Mahua flowers in the state. Pravir Krishna, Managing Director, TRIFED; Anil Wali, Managing Director, FIIT, and Doman Tudu, Director, Rusicaa Beverages, signed the MoU in the presence of National Head-Banking & Finance, DICCI, and senior officials from the three organisations, according to a PIB release.

TRIFED in association with FITT has developed this value added product Mahua nutra beverage made out of Mahua flower so that the tribals can benefit maximum from the value addition of MFPs and development of technologies. FITT acts as the interface to foster, promote, and sustain commercialisation of this technology and now the technology is being licensed to M/s Rusicaa Beverages Private Ltd of Jharkhand for commercialization of this Mahua Nutra beverage in Jharkhand.

As a part of this project, M/s Rusicaa Beverages Private Ltd shall be procuring Mahua flower for production of Mahua Nutra beverage from Tribal forest gatherers of Jharkhand engaged in collection of Mahua flower and its processing in VDVK Clusters at price not below MSP price.

This is the first of its kind initiative in the State of Jharkhand and the country by TRIFED. This opens up opportunities for partner entrepreneurs in other States looking for starting up nutra beverage unit. The Mahua Nutra beverage in its improvised form is blended with Pomegranate fruit juice, which enhances the nutritional value and masks the flavour of Mahua beverage by improving its aroma and texture.

Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer is a unit established by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) as an Industry interface body to foster, promote and sustain commercialisation of research results in the Institute.

As a part of its various initiatives, especially the TRIFOOD project and the Van Dhan start-ups scheme, TRIFED has been focusing on enhancing the income of tribals through better utilisation  and value addition to the MFPs collected by the tribal forest gatherers. TRIFED also outsources R&D projects to scientific organisations /universities, etc. to develop value added products, process technologies, so that the tribals benefit maximum from the value addition of MFPs and development of technologies. And it is under this objective that this collaborative project with FIIT and M/s Rusicaa Beverages has been initiated.

Among its flagship programmes and implementations, The ‘Mechanism for Marketing of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) through Minimum Support Price (MSP) & Development of Value Chain for MFP’ Scheme, in particular, has already emerged as a beacon of change and has positively impacted the tribal ecosystem as never before. Implemented by TRIFED in association with State Government Agencies across 21 states of the country, the scheme has injected crores of rupees directly in the tribal economy since April 2020.

Aided by the Government push in May 2020 wherein the prices of Minor Forest Produce (MFPs) were increased by up to 90% and the inclusion of 23 new items in the MFP list, this flagship scheme of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, which draws its strength from The Forest Rights Act of 2005, aims to provide remunerative and fair prices to tribal gatherers of forest produces.

The Van Dhan Vikas Yojana, also a component of the same scheme, further complements MSP  and has emerged as a source of employment generation for tribal gatherers and forest dwellers and the home-bound tribal artisans.