Speed Post News Network

Patna: Union minister for IT, Law and justice, Ravishankar Prasad will join the cleanlinees campaign’s two years on Sunday at Darbhanga House in Patna University. State BJP president Mangal Pandey and MLA from Kumhrar Arun Kumar Sinha will also join the union minister in cleaning the campus. Ravishankar will later attend the cleanliness drive at JP round about at Gandhi Maidan also.
Union food and consumer affairs minister Ram Vilas Paswan will participate in the Swachchata abhiyan at mahadadalit colony at Yarpur area of the state capital on Sunday noon.  Union minister of state Upendra Kushwaha will participate in the cleanliness campaign at Kamla Nehru Nagar, New Gardiner Road, on Sunday. The RLSP workers will also join the campaign, according to a party press release.

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