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New Delhi : The President, after consultation with the Chief Justice of India, has transferred 15 High Court Judges to different High Courts.

According to a PIB release, Vide notifications of even number dated October 5, 2021, in exercise of the power conferred by clause (1) of Article 222 of the Constitution of India, the President, after consultation with the Chief Justice of India, is pleased to transfer the following High Court Judges and to direct them to assume charge of their offices in High Courts where they have been transferred to:-



Name ofJudge






I JaswantSingh PunjabandHaryana Orissa
2 Smt.Sabina Rajasthan HimachalPradesh
3 SanjayaKumarMishra Orissa Uttarakhand
4 ManindraMohanShrivastava Chhattisgarh Rajasthan
5 AhsanuddinAmanullah Patna AndhraPradesh
6 UjjalBhuyan Bombay Telangana
7 PareshR.Upadhyay Gujarat Madras
8 M.S.S.RamachandraRao Telangana PunjabandHaryana
9 ArindamSinha Calcutta Orissa
10 A.M.Badar Kerala Patna
11 YashwantVarma Allahabad Delhi
12 VivekAgarwal Allahabad MadhyaPradesh
13 ChandraDhariSingh Allahabad Delhi
14 AnoopChitkara HimachalPradesh PunjabandHaryana
15 RaviNathTilhari Allahabad AndhraPradesh