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Patna: Former union minister and Congress MP Shashi Tharoor on Friday evening had to teturn to Gaya as Air India flight 433 carrying him and 127 other passengers developed technical problem 10 minutes from take off at Bodh Gaya international airport.All passengers have been put in different hotels at Bodh Gaya and they would be sent to New Delhi on Saturday morning
Shashi Tharoor was at Gaya to participate in the first death annivrrsary programme of former Gaya MLA Jai Kumar Palit.He had boarded the Bodh Gaya-New Delnhi flight at 4.30 pm. The plane developed probems within ten minutes of taking off and returned to the airport immediately. No damage was caused to the aircraft. All passengers are safe.
Most of the passengers were Buddha devotees from Sri Lanka, Thailand and Japan who had come on pilgrimage to Bodh Gaya.

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