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New Delhi : A special issue of the Global Trade and Customs Journal was launched at a function held at the India Islamic Cultural Centre, New Delhi, on November 15, 2019.The special issue has been edited by Dr James J  Nedumpara, Head and Professor of the Centre for Trade and Investment Law, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, and published by Wolters Kluwer, Netherlands. The Journal launch was followed by panel discussions on the theme “India in the International Economic Order: Issues and Perspectives”.

Additional Secretary, Department of Commerce, Sudhanshu Pandey, in his inaugural address said that trade agreements are important as investors tend to look not just at the foreign markets, but how investments could be harnessed to achieve greater access and integration in goods and services. He further stated that trade and investment policies need to be examined holistically and in an integrated manner rather than within inter-ministerial silos, according to a PIB release.

The Special Issue of Global Trade and Customs Journal has compiled articles pertaining to India and its involvement in the international trading system. The Journal has focused on topical issues such as India’s engagement with regional trade agreements, India’s position on electronic commerce, and the need for flexibilities for developing countries such as the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) and the availability of import restrictive measures in agriculture, especially when there is a domestic glut.

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