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New Delhi : Commerce & Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on June 19, 2017, launched the Startup India Virtual Hub, an online platform for all stakeholders of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in India, to discover, connect and engage with each other.

Speaking about the need to bring the entire ecosystem together on one platform, Nirmala Sitharaman mentioned that Startup India Virtual Hub is an effort to create a marketplace where all the stakeholders can interact, exchange knowledge, and enable each other to grow, according to a PIB release. She also encouraged all entrepreneurs in India to utilize this portal and all enabling stakeholders to contribute to the platform as much as possible. The Minister also announced a new initiative, wherein a Startup exchange programme amongst the SAARC nations would be organized.

The portal will host startups, investors, funds, mentors, academia, incubators, accelerators, corporates, Government bodies and more.

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