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New Delhi : Union Home Minister Amit Shah visited hospitals on January 28, 2021, to see the brave policemen of Delhi Police who were injured in the violence during the tractor rally on Republic Day on January 26, 2021. Shah went to Sushruta Trauma Center and Tirathram Hospital in the capital and enquired about the health of injured policemen.

In a tweet, the Union Home Minister said “met the brave policemen of Delhi Police today in hospital and wished them a speedy recovery.” The entire nation is proud of the example of bravery and restraint in the face of the violence that took place on Republic Day. Shah also met the families of the injured policemen.

Violence and sabotage was carried out and policemen were also attacked by the people involved in the rally at several places in Delhi including the historic Red Fort. This took place during the tractor rally on Republic Day, in which several Delhi Police officers and personnel were injured.