Kumar Rajiv Nayan

Ara : Saran police on July 11, 2021, seized one carton of liquor from a vehicle with Bhojpur police sticker and arrested a Homeguard and a Cook in this connection. Bhojpur SP Rakesh Kumar Dubey said that the Saran police seized one carton of liquor from a police vehicle of Bhojpur and he has ordered an inquiry into the matter.

The SP said that a vehicle was hired and given to Khwaspur police outpost in Bhojpur District but it was removed earlier though the owner did not remove police sticker from the vehicle and the Saran police seized liquor from that vehicle. The SP further said that it is also being inquired as to why the police sticker was not removed from the vehicle and added that the police are inquiring the role of arrested Homeguard and the Cook in liquor smuggling.