Shashank Shekhar

Patna : Samir Parimal, a government primary school teacher at Patna, took more than 26 years to finally achieve his goal of cracking Bihar Public Services Commission (BPSC) Examination in 2018 securing 185th rank and getting Bihar Finance Service. Two of his siblings are mentally challenged and stays with him.

Son of school teacher of  Siwan, Samir Parimal, who graduated with Physics Honours, took his first BPSC exam in 1991—92 taking History and Hindi as his optional papers but as could not get very good marks at interview (only 40 marks), he missed the bus and made it in his last attempt this year at the age of 49 years.

“Success  never comes in silver platter and is combined with bundles of failures, disappointment, discouragement, courage, determination and passion and now that I am successful, often think —- success …you… took only  26 years to bring smile on my face. Failures never let me sleep in peace  even  for a single day,” said Samir adding  that he was determined to prove his mettle after tasting series of failures.

Samir became a school teacher in 1999 and has also done his LLM, post graduate in Human Resources and is known for his Hindi poems which he often pens down during time of his  loneliness, frustration and joy to keep going.

When asked to narrate one incident which  he never wants to forget, Samir said it was August 16, 2013, the date of BPSC results when he was over confident of cracking it and so had brought a cake at his house while his wife, two kids along with father waited  for the results but he failed to make it. “Tears were rolling down the cheek of everyone at my house but despite having failed I cut  the cake in front of everyone including my mentally challenged siblings and father challenging  myself that I will do it,” he said.

“Though my father died  in 2014  and I could not fulfil my promise in his lifetime but today I dedicate my success to all my entire family members who stood by me in the time of crisis,” said Samir his eyes filled with moisture.

When asked where did  he find the magic wand, Samir said it was ‘Minds Together’ run by former chief secretary rank IAS officer Sudhir Kumar Rakesh and some other intellectuals of the city who gave him free tips for success and groomed him to crack BPSC without charging a single penny.

“I will return back the same to society without being selfish in my life. I have taken a pledge to work honestly and Minds Together taught me this,” said Samir brimming with confidence.

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