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New Delhi : Minister for Information & Broadcasting M Venkaiah Naidu on June 13, 2017,  presented 100 volumes of collected works of Mahatma Gandhi to Speaker, Lok Sabha, Sumitra Mahajan for Parliament Library.

Speaking on the occasion, Speaker Sumitra Mahajan said that Gandhiji’s simple message to the common people during the national movement evoked a sense of popular participation, feeling of oneness and unity for the nation. The Salt Satyagraha was a classic example of people’s participation in the quest for freedom. His philosophy also influenced the global community with regard to service to the nation, she said, according to a PIB release.

On the receipt of 100 volumes of collected works of Mahatma Gandhi, the Lok Sabha Speaker said that the collections would be kept in Parliament for members so to enable them peruse the heritage collection. She appreciated the efforts of Ministry of I&B and complimented Naidu for his efforts in taking forward this initiative and development agenda of the government, according to the PIB release.

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