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New Delhi :The  Rajya Sabha on August 5, 2019, approved a resolution repealing Article 370 of Constitution of India for Jammu and Kashmir and a bill to bifurcate the state into two union territories. Union Home Minister Amit Shah stated that Article 370 has prevented J&K to merge with India rather than being a basis of its merger. J&K would become a true part of India in letter and spirit after repeal of Article 370.

Shah introduced two bills and two resolutions regarding Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) on August 5, 2019. They are : Constitution (Application to Jammu & Kashmir) Order, 2019 {Ref. Article 370(1) of Constitution of India} – issued by President of India to supersede the 1954 order related to Article 370, Resolution for Repeal of Article 370 of the Constitution of India {Ref. Article 370 (3)}, Jammu & Kashmir (Reorganisation) Bill, 2019 {Ref. Article 3 of Constitution of India}, and Jammu & Kashmir Reservation (2nd Amendment) Bill, 2019.

Shah said,“ I would just say that the bill is historic. Article 370 has prevented J&K to merge with India rather than being a basis of its merger. The politics of vote bank has looted the youth of the state for over 70 years. Politics of religion must be avoided at all costs. Article 370 is equally harmful for people of all religions,” Sha said responding to apprehensions on the resolution and the future of J&K.

Further, the Minister termed the provisions of Article 370 as discriminatory on the basis of gender, class, caste and place of origin. The youth is being taken for a ride by the political elite. This provision was temporary in the first place and it has to go in the larger interest of the people of J&K, he added.

Allaying opposition fears of all hell breaking loose after the move, Shah replied “nothing will happen” and it won’t be allowed to turn into another battle torn Kosovo. “It was heaven on earth and will remain so,” he said replying to the debate on the resolution and the bill which were taken up together. Shah said full statehood will be restored to Jammu and Kashmir at an “appropriate time” and after “normalcy” returns.

Shah said that post the repeal of the Article 370, doors to private investment in J&K would be opened, which would in turn increase the potential for development there. Increased investments would lead to increased job creation and further betterment of socio-economic infrastructure in the state. Opening of buying of lands would bring in investments from private individuals and multinational companies and give a boost to the local economy as opposed to the apprehensions raised by those opposing this historic step, he added.

The Home Minister remembered the martyrdom of civilians and soldiers who have lost their lives during 1989-2018. He said that had article 370 would not been there, these people wouldn’t have lost their lives. Refugees who came from Pakistan after partition had not got citizenship till now. They cannot become councillors in the state. This has been a historical injustice to these people. As opposed to this, in rest of India two Prime Ministers were elected from those refugees.

Shah said because of article 370, democracy never took root in J&K, corruption flourished, widespread poverty took root and no socio-economic infrastructure could come up. It is the root cause of terrorism. Further, 73rdand 74thAmendments to the Constitution could not be applied to J&K due to article 370. Panchayat and Nagar Palika elections could not be held. Who is responsible for taking away democratic rights of the people of J&K which were available to other citizens of India? It was Article 370. Panchayat elections recently held were conducted successfully and peacefully. The people want democracy and not bloodshed., the Minister said.

Talking about economic backwardness in J&K, Shah said article 370 impedes people from outside the state to do business there. Absence of economic competition has prevented development and corruption flourished. Land prices are at a rock bottom because no one can buy land there. No industry including tourism, is allowed to flourish there.

Sha said, “I want to tell the Kashmiri youth that article 370 holds no benefits for them. It would only benefit a few elite people who want to keep the youth poor for ever and corner all benefits for themselves. Despite so much funds being provided by the Centre, where are the educational and health facilities? Those who support article 370 must know that this article prevents professionals from outside the state to settle down in the state and hence no one wants to go there.”

Shah said that all states have preserved their culture and language after becoming a part of the Union of India. How does article 370 protect JK on this aspect, he asked?  It is only and only a political propaganda that has blinded the youth of Kashmir into believing it for 70 years. “I assure the youth of JK that give this government 5 year and it will become the most progressive region in the country,” he said, according to a PIB release.

He said daughters of the state marrying outside the state lose their rights to property. It is so discriminatory to the women and their children. SC and ST people have been discriminated against and have been deprived of reservation to political offices. Despite knowing this a few people have been perpetuating this article only for their political gains, Shah said.

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