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Bokaro (Jharkhand) : To acknowledge its meritorious students, DPS Bokaro organised the Scholar Badge felicitation ceremony at Kali Das Kala Bhawan on its campus on September 6, 2019, where 151 students of classes VI and VII were awarded scholar badges for their outstanding performance in the academic session 2018-19. Jagadish Barman, Regional Officer, CBSE ,Patna, was the Chief Guest of the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion,  Chief Guest Jagadish Barman, had words of appreciation for the efforts put in by the school in shaping global leaders. Expressing his delight, Barman pointed out that the role of a teacher is like a candle which burns itself to enlighten others. He emphasised  that one of the prime objectives of CBSE is to promote the quality of education and teachers through various capacity building programmes and its latest initiative is Hub of Learning. Such programmes enhance the qualitative attitude of the teachers which in turn benefit the children.

Congratulating the scholars, Principal, DPS Bokaro, A S Gangwar, said, ” Excellence is an art sharpened by perseverance.. It is through their sheer hard work, dedication, and commitment that the students have made their mark in the field of academics.”

The event witnessed a beautiful amalgamation of zest, vibrancy and great happiness elation  when the programme began with the welcome address delivered by the Head Boy Samriddh Ranjan. Two beautifully choreographed dances on Ganesh Vandana and Mohan se Mahatma  presented by the children were a feast  to the eyes. The programme concluded with Vote of Thanks proposed by Head Girl Tishya Vishwanathan.

The felicitation ceremony was followed by Principals’ Meet wherein Barman deliberated on the latest updates in the CBSE curriculum.

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