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New Delhi : The Recycling of Ships Bill, 2019 has become an Act. It became Act after it received the assent of President of India on December 13, 2019. The government decided to bring this Act to provide for the regulation of recycling of ships by setting certain international standards and laying down the statutory mechanism for enforcement of such standards.

The Government has also decided to accede to the Hong Kong International Convention for Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009. Accordingly, India has acceded to Hong Kong International Convention for Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009, on November 28, 2019.

The Recycling of Ships Act, 2019 restricts and prohibits the use or installation of hazardous materials, which applies irrespective of whether a ship is meant for recycling or not. For new ships, such restriction or prohibition on use of hazardous materials will be immediate, that is, from the date the legislation comes into force, while existing ships shall have a period of five years for compliance. Restriction or prohibition on use of hazardous materials would not be applied to warships and non-commercial ships operated by the Government. Ships shall be surveyed and certified on the inventory of hazardous materials used in ships.

Under this Act, ship recycling facilities are required to be authorised and ships shall be recycled only in such authorised ship. This Act also provides that ships shall be recycled in accordance with a ship-specific recycling plan. Ships to be recycled in India shall be required to obtain a Ready for Recycling Certificate in accordance with the HKC, according to a PIB release.

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