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New Delhi : For effective monitoring to curb black money in General Election to Legislative Assembly of Bihar, 2020, Election  Commission of India (ECI) has deployed 67 Expenditure Observers in the State. The ECI has also has appointed Ms Madhu Mahajan, ex-IRS (IT):1982 and  B R Balakrishnan, ex-IRS (IT):1983, officers having formidable domain expertise and impeccable track record, as Special Expenditure Observers for General Election to Legislative Assembly of Bihar, 2020.

After due assessment, 91 Assembly Constituencies have been marked as Expenditure Sensitive Constituencies for more focussed monitoring and 881 Flying Squads and 948 Static Surveillance Teams have been formed for Election Expenditure Monitoring work for the Assembly elections of Bihar. On expenditure monitoring, the Commission has convened various meetings with senior officials of Bihar and neighbouring states.

Distributing cash and gifts during electoral process is not permitted under the law, e.g., distribution of money, liquor, or any other item disbursed and given to the electors with the intent to influence them. This expenditure comes under the definition of “bribery” which is an offence both under 171B of IPC and under R.P. Act, 1951. The expenditure on such items is illegal, according to a PIB release.

 Details of record seizures already done so far (as on October 19, 2020) – compared to total of Rs 23.81 cr in AE 2015- are as follows.

  Assembly Elections, 2020 (Upto 19.10.2020)

(In Rs. Cr.)


(In Rs Cr.)

Total Rs 35.26 crores+

Rs. 79.85 lacs (Nepali Currency)

Rs 23.81 crores