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New Delhi : Union Housing and Urban Affairs & Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on August 27, 2021,  inaugurated the new Central Secretariat building at Nava Raipur in Chhattisgarh through virtual mode. Built by Central Public Works Department (CPWD) at a cost of Rs 66.91 crore, it will accommodate 15 Central Government departments saving rental outflow of Rs 4 crore annually.

Speaking on the occasion, Puri lauded the CPWD for incorporating the Green and energy efficient features in the building, like 100 KW power capacity Rooftop Solar panels, LED fittings, and rainwater harvesting, which will help in conserving the resources. He said that CPWD has played an important role in nation building for the last 167 years. In the last 7 years, the department is not only focussing on building quality structures but also completing them within the stipulated time and sanctioned budget. He expressed the hope that the same template will be used elsewhere also. Puri also called for incorporating latest building and construction technologies and using local materials which are environmentally sustainable, according to a PIB release.

The new Central Secretariat building at Nava Raipur is built on a plot measuring 11,476 sq mt with the built-up area of 17,846 sq mt, spread over 5 floors and basement. It has space for 800 officials and parking capacity of 192 vehicles. The building has 3-star GRIHA rating, as it has adopted environment friendly and sustainability features. It is located just 1.5 km from the GPRA accommodation premises and will save a lot of commuting time for the Government officials.

DG, CPWD, Shailendra Sharma, senior officials of the CPWD, State and district administration also attended the event.