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New Delhi : President of India Ram Nath Kovind on November 16, 2017,  presented Standards to the 223 Squadron and the 117 Helicopter Unit of the Indian Air Force at the Air Force Station, Adampur, Punjab. This is his first visit to Punjab after taking over as President of India.
Speaking on the occasion, the President said that the contribution of Punjab to our armed forces, and of our armed forces to our nation, has been enormous. That is why, in his role as the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, he was glad to visit Punjab for awarding Standards to the 223 Squadron and the 117 Helicopter Unit of the Indian Air Force. He stated that both units have a history of professional excellence. The nation honours them with a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for dedication and courage in the face of adversity, he said, according to a PIB release.
The President said that India’s rise in the international system has many dimensions to it. But it draws heavily from the capabilities and valour of our Armed Forces. ” Though we remain firmly committed to peace, we are determined to use all our might to protect the sovereignty of our nation. Each time we have had to do so, our valiant men and women in uniform have risen to the occasion. Every citizen of India sleeps securely because he or she knows that armed forces are there to protect them,” the President said.
The President complimented the personnel, veterans and families of the 223 Squadron, the 117 Helicopter Unit and the Air Force Station Adampur for their devotion to the nation saying India is proud of them.

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