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New Delhi : The President of India, after consultation with Chief Justice of India, on October 16, 2021, night, appointed seven Advocates as Judges of the Gujarat High Court.

According to a PIB release, Vide notification dated October 16, 2021, in exercise of the power conferred by clause (1) of Article 217 of the Constitution of India, the President of India, after consultation with the Chief Justice of India, is pleased to appoint the following Advocates asĀ  Judges of the Gujarat High Courts w.e.f. the date they assume charge of their respective offices:

Sl. No. Name (S/Shri)
1. Smt. Mauna Manish Bhatt
2. Samir Jyotindraprasad Dave
3. Hemant MaheshchandraPrachchhak
4. Sandeep Natvarlal Bhatt
5. Aniruddha Pradyumna Mayee
6. NiralRashmikant Mehta
7. Ms. Nisha Mahendrabhai Thakore