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New Delhi : The President of India Ram Nath Kovind has greeted the people on the eve of Janmashtami. In his message on the eve of Janmashtami, thePresident of India said, ” “On the joyous occasion of Janmashtami, I convey greetings and best wishes to all my fellow citizens in India and abroad. The life and teachings of Lord Krishna have a universal message- Nishkam Karma. Lord Krishna in his message has preached duty without thought of reward. May this festival inspire us to follow the path of virtue and righteousness in thought, word and deed.”

The Vice President (VP) of India M Venkaiah Naidu has also greeted the people on the auspicious occasion of Janmashtami. In a message, according to a PIB release, Naidu said that the eternal message bestowed by Lord Krishna in the Bhagwad Geeta to perform our duties with sincerity without attachment to results has been a source of inspiration for entire humanity. May this festival bring peace, amity, harmony and prosperity in our country, he added.

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