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Munger: Death of a pregnant dalit woman Babita Devi, about 24, for want of money for proper medical treatment created tension among the dalit community on Tuesday at village Chchoti Keshopur Mahadalit Tola under Jamalpur Nagar Parishad.    Babita Devi, daughter of late Biro Das,who was pregnant, was admitted to Munger sadar hospital after acute pain abdomen on Monday night.

The doctor at the sadar hospital referred her to Jawaha Lal Nehru Medical College and Hospital, Bhagalpur. Her brother tried his best to get an ambulance from the hospital but could not succeed in his effort. A private ambulance owner demanded Rs 2,500, which he could not afford. He took his sister back to Jamalpur and waited for any train at the Jamalpur railway station for Bhagalpur. After considerble, delay,  she boarded a Bhagalpur bound train late in the night without any medical aid which resulted in her death in the train compatment on her way to Bhagalpur. Surprisingly, Munger sadar hospital lacks facilities for specialised treatment.

On getting information, her relatives on Tuesday collected in large number and placed the body of Babita in front of  Allahabad bank branch at Keshopur in Jamalpur raising slogans against the bank officials for their indifferent attitude towards dalits. Babita’s brother Ravi Kumar  said that he had applied for the government grant of Rs 5,000 under  Mukhya Mantri Kanya Vibah Yojna 18 months back. After running from pillar to post, he received a cheque of Rs 5,000 to be deposited in the account of the Allahabad Bank. He deposited the cheque in the bank but even after considerable delay, the payment was not made to him by the bank. Rav said that had he received the amount against his cheque from the bank, he would not have lost his sister.The agitation ended when police intervened in the matter and assured action against the guilty ones.

M eanwhile,  sadar subdivisional officer, Munger, Dr Kundan Kumar said that he has ordered the circle officer,  Jamalpur, to find out when the petition was received  there for grant and when the cheque was sent to the bank for collection by Ravi Kumar and whosoever found guilty, will be taken to task.


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