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Patna : Patna police busted a gang  involved in looting cash and jewellery from passers by on roads from Patna to Ara  for the last seven years by arresting six criminals on Wednesday. Patna secretariat police  and Ara police in a
joint operation arrested two criminals from Patna and four criminals from Ara and recovered looted gold ornaments  and  3 bikes from their possessions.

SSP, Patna, Manu Maharaaj said that the gang leader  Gita Devi  and her son Mithu, who belong to Ara, had been arrested. Gita Devi, a lady Don, is  widow  and was running the gang with help of Mithu and others and had amassed huge  properties  last seven years. Police seized her pass book of a bank having Rs 30 lakh in her account.  According to police sources, Gita Devi is constructing a palatial building of her own in Beur area of Patna with the earning from crime. The gang was involved in over 2o incidents in Patna. This gang has expertise in looting cash outside banks. Police, after  arresting mother and son duo,  busted the gang active in the capital.

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