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Buxar : Police arrested two autorickshaw drivers under Itadhi police station in Buxar district in South Bihar on January 10, 2021, in connection with liquor smuggling and sent them to jail after interrogation.

SHO, Itadhi police station, Alok Kumar, said that police had seized 620 bottles of Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) from an autorickshaw two days ago but the driver had escaped from the spot leaving the vehicle behind. Police, however, arrested the driver Manish Kumar, son of Sanjay Kharwar, from his native village Lohandi within 72 hours, the SHO said.

Manish Kumar,during interrogation, confessed that he smuggled IMFL from Uttar Pradesh and supplied it to 20 villages and adjoining areas in Buxar district. Police on his revelation arrested another autorickshaw driver Om Prakash Sharma, son of Srikrishna Sharma, from his native village Yadwa under Akodhagola police station in Rohtas district on January 10, 2021.