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New Delhi : Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered inaugural address at the National Metrology Conclave 2021 in New Delhi on January 4, 2021. He dedicated National Atomic Timescale and Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravya Pranali to the Nation and laid the foundation of National Environmental Standards Laboratory through a video conference. The Conclave was organised by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL), New Delhi, on its 75th year of inception.

The theme of the conclave is ‘Metrology for the Inclusive Growth of the Nation’. Union Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan and Principal Scientific Advisor Dr Vijay Raghwan were present on the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister lauded the Indian scientists for successfully developing two Indian COVID vaccine in this new year. He said India’s Covid vaccination Programme is the largest in the world and is about to be started. He lauded the scientific institutions in the country including CSIR for coming together to find solutions for every challenge faced by the country.

The Prime Minister urged CSIR to interact with school students to raise awareness about the efforts of the institute. He said this would inspire and motivate them to become scientists in future. He praised CSIR NPL for having played an important role in the evolution and evaluation in the development of the country. He said the Conclave today would help to discuss the achievements of the past and preparing the institute to address future challenges. He urged the institute to come forward and play an important role in keeping with the new standards and new benchmarks to proceed towards forging a self-reliant India.

The Prime Minister remarked that as India’s timekeeper CSIR-NPL also has the responsibility to change the future of India. He said over the decades, India was dependent on foreign standards for quality and measurement. But now India’s pace, progress, rise, image, and strength, will be decided by our own standards.

He said Metrology, which is science of measuring, also sets the foundation for any scientific achievement. No research can proceed without measurement. Even our achievement has to be measured on some scale. He said the credibility of the country in the world will be dependent on the reliability of its Metrology. He said Metrology is like a mirror showing us our standing in the world, the scope for improvement.

The PM gave a call to remind that the goal to achieve a self reliant India consists of quantity as well as quality. He urged to win the hearts of every customer who purchases Indian products, instead of just filling the world with Indian products, according to a PIB release.

The Prime Minister said Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravya dedicated to the nation today would help the industry to make quality products in sectors like Heavy metals, Pesticides, Pharma and Textiles by drafting a ‘Certified Reference Material System’. He added now the industry is moving towards Consumer Oriented Approach instead of Regulation Centric Approach. He said with these new standards, there is a campaign to bring global identity to local products in districts across the country, which will be of particular benefit to our MSMEs sector.

PM Modi said complying with the International standards will help the large foreign manufacturing companies coming to India to find a local supply chain. He said historically any country has progressed in direct correlation to its effort to promote science. He termed this ‘value creation cycle’ of Science, Technology and Industry.