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New Delhi : Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the 66th Convocation of IIT Kharagpur on February 23, 2021, as Chief Guest through a video conference.

The Prime Minister said this day is not only important for the parents and teachers of the IIT but also for the New India as the students represent the entire country. He urged the students passing out, as they embark a new journey of life, to work towards creating startups and innovating things that can change the lives of crores of people in the country. He said the degree they received today represents the aspiration of millions of people, which they have to fulfil.

The Prime Minister said an engineer has the capability to see things in more detail and this understanding forms the basis of new discoveries and new breakthroughs in future. He urged the students to find solutions which can improve and save the lives of millions and can save the country’s resources.

He asked the students to adopt the mantra of Self 3 to overcome their self doubts and obstacles in the future. He said Self 3 is Self-awareness, Self-confidence, and Selflessness. He advised the students to recognise their potential and move forward, move ahead with full confidence, move ahead with selflessness.

PM Modi said that there is no place for hastiness in the field of science and technology. He added you may not get complete success in the innovation you are working on. But that failure of yours will also be considered a success, because you will learn something from that as well. He said in the 21st century, the IITs need to be taken to the next level from Indian Institutes of Technology to Institutes of Indigenous Technologies to meet the changing demands and aspirations of New India.

The PM said at a time when the world is struggling with the challenges of climate change, India has come up with the idea of International Solar Alliance (ISA) and embodied it. He said today India is one of those countries where the cost of solar power is very low per unit. But there are still many challenges to deliver solar power from door to door. He added India needs technology that minimises damage to the environment, is durable and user friendly, according to a PIB release.

The Prime Minister said Disaster management is a subject which the world has looked up to India. During major disasters, along with life, infrastructure is the most affected. He added realising this two years ago, India took the initiative of establishing Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure in the United Nations,

The Prime Minister emphasised the need for significant innovation for Industry 4.0. He lauded the efforts of IIT Kharagpur to transform academic research related to AI at industrial level, Internet of things and modern construction technology. He said IIT Kharagpur’s software solutions were also useful in the fight against Corona. He urged the institute to work fast on futuristic solutions in Health Technology. He said a huge market has emerged for personal healthcare equipment. He said the market for Health and Fitness related Equipment is also increasing.

The PM said after Corona, India has emerged as a major global player in the field of Science, Technology, Research and Innovation. He said with that inspiration, there has been a major increase in the budget for science and research. He said a few days ago, the government has freed Map and Geospatial Data from control. This step will give a lot of strength to the Tech Startup Ecosystem, intensify the campaign for self-reliant India and also give new freedom to young start-ups and innovators of the country.

The Prime Minister lauded the efforts of IIT Kharagpur on the implementation of the new National Education Policy. He urged the institute to compile 75 major innovations made by the institute to coincide with the 75th year of India’s independence and make them reach the country and the world.