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New Delhi : PM Narendra Modi hailed the Supreme Court verdict on Ayodhya as historic and called November 9, 2019, as a golden day in the history of India and Indian judiciary. He urged all citizens to come together to build a New India and work for everyone’s development.

Prime Minister Modi said, “Today, on November 9, the Kartarpur corridor has begun. In this corridor, there have been efforts from India and efforts from Pakistan. And now, with today’s verdict on Ayodhya, this date of November 9 teaches us the power of staying united and growing together. ” The PM said that SC heard everyone with much patience and gave unanimous verdict which has shown its tremendous resolve.

The PM further said, “With today’s verdict, the Honourable Supreme Court has given a message that even the toughest issues can be resolved within the framework of the Constitution and in spirit of the laws. We should learn from this verdict that even if there is some delay, we should remain patient. This is in everyone’s interest. In every situation, our faith in India’s constitution, India’s judicial system must remain unwavering. This is very important.”

The PM said that the Supreme Court has given its decision on the construction of Ram Mandir and this decision has made it incumbent upon all us citizens to take our responsibility of nation building even more seriously. He said that the harmony, brotherhood, friendship, unity and peace amongst us all, is very important for the nation’s development, according to a PIB release. He urged all citizens to walk together and work together to achieve our goals and objectives.

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