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New Delhi : Renu Swarup, Senior Adviser in the Department of Bio-technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, has been awarded National Entrepreneurship Award, 2017 under Mentor (Government) category in the Recognition Track. Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley presented the awards at the National Entrepreneurship Award Ceremony, 2017, in New Delhi. 

Renu Swarup is at present Senior Adviser to Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science & Technology.  She also holds position of Managing Director, Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), a Public Sector Company, according to a PIB release.

A PhD in Genetics and Plant Breeding, Renu Swarup completed her Post Doctoral at The John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK, under Commonwealth Scholarship and returned to India to take up the assignment of a Science Manager in the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, in 1989. As a Science Manager, issues related to policy planning and implementations are  part of her assignment. She was actively engaged in formulation of the Biotechnology Vision in 2001, National Biotechnology Development Strategy in 2007 and Strategy II, 2015-20, as the Member Secretary of the Expert Committee.

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