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New Delhi : Senior tribal leader from Chhattisgarh and ex parliamentarian  Nand Kuamr Sai assumed charge as the chairman of National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) on February 28, 2017, in New Delhi.

Speaking on the occasion,  Sai said it will be his endeavour to protect rights of tribal living in far flung areas of the country. He said a large percentage of tribals are still not aware of their rights guaranteed to them by the constitutions.  Sai said he will see to it that NCST is converted into an important tool for the overall social economic development of STs in the country, according a PIB release.Earlier on his arrival at the office of NCST, Sai was greeted by Vice Chairperson of NCST Anusuia Uikey, Members: Bari Krishna Damor and  Harshadbhai Chunilal Vasava, and Secretary of the Commission Raghav Chandra.

Born on January 1, 1946, at village Bhagora in Jashpur District in Chhattisgarh,  Sai studied at NES college Jashpur and obtained Post Graduate degree in Political Science from Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur. Sai was elected to MP legislative assembly in 1977, 1985 and 1998. He was elected to Chhattisgarh legislative assembly in 2000 and was the first leader of opposition in the assembly. Sai was elected to Lok sabha in 1989, 1996 and 2004. He was also elected to Rajya Sabha in 2009 and 2010. He has been actively involved in spread of education in tribal areas. An ardent supporter of prohibition, Sai has been in the forefront of various movements to oppose atrocities and exploitation of tribals.





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