Shashank Shekhar

Bokaro (Jharkhand) : Gopal Gandhi, 55,  a leading textile  businessman of Bokaro having his business establishment at City Center market, sector IV, Bokaro Steel City, was found dead on his bed at his house on March 20, 2017, morning while condition of  his wife and son are stated to be very serious and have been  admitted to Critical Care Unit of Bokaro general hospital. A  bottle of half finished insecticide has been found in the room where all the three were lying suggesting that they might have consumed insecticide to end their lives. However, no suicide note was found in the room.

Police sources stated that Gopal Gandhi, who lived with his family members at sector IV, were having financial problems as the businessman had taken big loan from market  and was finding it difficult  to return it back which might be  the reason for taking this step. According to   Bokaro City DSP Ajay Kumar, police after sending the body of Gandhi  for post- mortem  has started investigation into this incident and is waiting for early recovery of the  two members of the family to know the truth.


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