Speed Post News Network

Patna : Unidentified criminals shot dead a private driver Siddharth Paswan alias Kallu, 35, at Indal Tola under Fatuha police station in Patna district August 4, 2018, late night. The deceased is a resident of Gaurichak. Siddharth was driving police vehicles for past several years and his father Sajinder Paswan is a Dafadar.

It was the second incident of murder at Fatuha within six hours. Armed criminals had gunned down saleasman of a readymade garments shop Raushan Kumar at the shop on Station Road, six hours before Siddharth’s murder.

According to police, Siddharth has two wives and he was living with his first wife at Indal Tola for past one week. On August 4 night, he was sleeping at his house when about ten criminals reached there around midnight and took him away from his house. Police said that criminals fired two bullets on Siddharth with one hitting him in chest and another on face killing him on the spot.

Locals said that Siddharth had fled away with a woman of the same village though he had two wives. He had come to his house at Indal Tola leaving the woman as his father’s condition deteriorated. The deceased’s first wife was present at the house. Local police are interrogating his first wife while his second wife is absconding. The deceased’s family members suspect the hands of relatives of his second wife behind Siddharth’s murder. Fatuha police station SHO Nandji Prasad said that police were probing the case from different angles.

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