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New Delhi : Union Tribal Affairs Minister Arjun Munda on June 15, 2021, launched under tribal livelihoods initiative “Sankalp Se Siddhi – Mission Van Dhan”. Seven new Tribes India Outlets were inaugurated virtually at Jagdalpur, Ranchi, Jamshedpur, and Sarnath Immunity boosting hampers, Tribes India Coffee table book, new TRIFED Head Office among other highlights of the mega-launch event ‘Sankalp Se Siddhi’ – Mission Van Dhan, by Munda, Minister on the new premises of TRIFED Head Office in New Delhi.
Earlier at the event , the new premises were inaugurated by Union Tribal Affairs Minister Arjun Munda at Okhla Industrial Area, New Delhi. The event also witnessed the inauguration and launch of several other programmess including “Sankalp Se Siddhi – Mission Van Dhan”, 7 new Tribes India Outlets, Van Dhan website and software application, coffee table book among others. Keeping in line with the Prime Minister’s clarion call Vocal for Local’ and to build and Atmanirbhar Bharat, TRIFED has been coming up with several initiatives, all aimed at sustainable livelihoods for the tribal population, according to a PIB release.
These initiatives were launched in hybrid mode ie physically as well as virtually. Governor of Chattisgarh Anusuiya Uikey and Bhaskar Khulbe, Advisor to the Prime Minister, joined the event virtually while Renuka Singh, Minister of State, Tribal Affairs; Pratibha Brahma, Vice Chairman TRIFED, Secretary Tribal Affairs, Anil Jha ; Pravir Krishna, Managing Director, TRIFED, and senior officers were present physically at the function.
Speaking on the occasion, Munda remarked, “I am delighted to inaugurate the new premises of TRIFED and unveil some noteworthy initiatives that TRIFED has been working towards, such as Sankalp se Siddhi – Mission Van Dhan. Implementation of this crucial mission will definitely result in the transformation of the tribal ecosystem in our country. “Today is definitely a momentous day for tribal people, as it sees the culmination of the valuable efforts the TRIFED team has put in consistently over the past years. It is commendable that the Ministry of Tribal Affairs and the TRIFED team has achieved this, despite the difficult circumstances of the past two years.”
‘The goal of TRIFED is to connect the entire tribal community of the country with the employment-oriented programme and surely we will achieve success in this programe. For this, we have to bring our products on the e-commerce platform. Without digitisation, we cannot move forward in today’s market. If we move forward with technology, then our market potential will increase even more. TRIFED should market natural products by natural means. The biggest strength of TRIFED is the natural products,”Munda said.
Governor of Chhattisgarh, Anusuiya Uikey, who was specially present on the occasion, said that the livelihood of tribals is basically based on forest resources. Because they are nature worshipers and live according to nature, they have a good knowledge of the herbs found in the forest. “The medical value of these forests produce is well known. Apart from this, tribals are have very good craftsmanship. But the products of the tribals do not fetch a good price at the local level, even though they will be valued highly in national and international markets. Now with the help of new initiatives of TRIFED, a good platform will be available to the tribals to sell their products, which will increase their income and improve their standard of living. TRIFED deserves congratulations for having started the Tribes India outlets all across the country including Chhattisgarh, “she added.